How to Choose a Great Business Lawyer for Your Business: Top Ten Tips

Conventional wisdom (and many lawyers) will tell you that, if you're a business owner or manager, you will get yourself in trouble if you don't have a good business lawyer. But when I hear this, I view this as somewhat of a negative statement, which frankly annoys me. I assume that smart business people do not want to be belittled and told that, they if they don't have a lawyer, they will be too naive or inexperienced to avoid pitfalls.

Another way of saying this is that I personally hate doing anything to move away from something. I much prefer to make choices that allow me to move towards perceived advantages of my actions. So I address my clients accordingly.

So with this in mind I will rephrase the primary benefit of having a great lawyer by your side as follows: you will make more money. You should thus view a business lawyer as your partner who will help you make the choices that will improve your business and drive your bottom line upwards.

Now, if you are looking for a lawyer or are not happy with your present lawyer, how do you choose a great business lawyer. But first a definition. What is a business lawyer? I personally distinguish a business lawyer from a corporate or commercial lawyer. To me the business lawyer in the classic sense of the term denotes the classic lawyer-client relationship where the lawyer is more than someone who cranks out paper. I define the business lawyer as your quasi business partner or confidante. Someone you can confide it, who can solve your problems, understand you and help you grow.

Now Here are my TOP 10 TIPS to choosing a GREAT BUSINESS LAWYER, not in any order of importance.

10. Don't assume you need a big blue chip firm. I come from several big blue chip law firms. They do great law and sometimes you need the "brand" or "label" of the big law firm next to you, for instance if you're going public. But for more routine work, you don't need such a firm. They are expensive and comprise many layers. So for you to deal with the top dog, you will be paying up to $1,000 per hour, or more. If your budget is one quarter of this, you will mostly be dealing with a junior associate who will not have the business experience you are looking for. It really depends on your needs, and your budget.

9. Don't focus only on the billable hour rate. If you're hesitating between someone who costs you $250 per hour and someone else at $350 per hour, don't make your decision strictly on cost. What matters are two things: first what the final bill will be and, second, what value who will have received. The hourly rate is a red herring. What is the point of asking someone to do a job for you at $250 per hour if the person needs 40 hours for the job where the other lawyer at $350 per hour only needs 20 hours? Particularly if the other lawyer can do a better job for you. Billing policy is too much of a thorny and elaborate issue to address in a few lines. My point is simply that the hourly rate is not the be all and the end all.

8. Look for someone you would be happy to have a drink with. If your relationship with your business lawyer is going to be successful, you need to connect with him (her) on a personal basis. It is to your advantage to let your lawyer into your life as a quasi-friend. For this to happen there must be personal chemistry.

7. Look for business experience. If your business lawyer is going to advise you on your business, it is trite to say that having business experience is a must. Again it goes to the difference between dealing with a junior associate just out of school and someone who has real practical hands on business experience.

6. Look for someone open to a fixed fee arrangement. No one I know wants to retain a lawyer not knowing what the final bill will be. While this is often difficult for a lawyer to estimate, he (she) may be open to a flexible or fixed fee arrangement. And he (she) should be able to give you at least a good idea on the fees.

5. Look for a deal maker not a deal breaker. In any business deal, there can be dozens of reasons why the deal can't work or why the agreement is not right. You don't want a lawyer that throws unnecessary obstacles to making the deal work. It takes a practical approach. It is all about business risk and your lawyer should give you the pros and the cons and provide advice rather than blocking the deal.

4. Think of your business lawyer as your part-time VP legal. Some business lawyers are open to retainer arrangements where they will agree to act as your part-time VP legal at a lower cost than hiring a law firm. A lawyer could for instance offer to work a certain numbers of days per month for you at a fixed fee. It could save you money and help you grow your business with a smart person on the inside who gets to understand your business inside out.

3. Find someone with good business connections. Getting things done in this world often requires a good business network. Having access to this through your lawyer is invaluable.

2. Find a people person. If you want your lawyer to make things happen for you, he (she) will need to be someone who does not antagonize everyone around him (her). Having someone who relates well with other people can be a key to making something work.

1. Think bottom line. Lawyers cost money but I submit this should not be your first thought. What you should be thinking about is whether by spending say $1,000 your lawyer can help you generate $2,000. If so, the lawyer is not a cost. He (she) is a co-generator of a rate of return of 100%. If you think about it that way and your lawyer delivers, the cost will not be so bad to digest.

With these elements, you will be in a position to make the best decision for what works for you.

Say Goodbye to Acne Naturally

People around the world want to have wonderful and healthy skin. Looks and texture of skin are very important, especially for the young generation. One problem that keeps irritating young people is acne. However, if you want to get rid of acne and get back that clear and healthy skin then you need to take some effort. You need to cultivate good habits to get good skin. Always remember that your skin requires regular doses of nutrients to be in a healthy state. Taking good care of skin means making sure that the skin is getting all the nutrients required by it.

The human body requires a balanced nutrition of nutrients and vitamins. A majority of the present acne cure treatments only take into consideration the outer symptoms causing acne and they fail to understand the issues that are related with skin from deep inside. You can take care of such issues by drinking lots of water and other fluids. This provides the essential nutrients and vitamins to skin.

Getting blemish free and vibrant skin is very difficult but not impossible. The vitamins that are required by skin include vitamin A, C and E. these are present in fruits and vegetables as well as animal products. These help in keeping the inflammation and irritation under control. One more important vitamin that is required by skin is Omega 3 fatty acids that are found in tuna fish, salmon and flax seed. It helps in maintaining the beauty of the skin. The skin gets repaired with these vitamins and the acids provide the natural oils that are required by the skin. Another important thing is to remove toxins from the skin. You can do this by drinking at least eight glasses of water in a day.

The market is flooded with products meant for acne cures. Some of the products are good but majority of them fail to find the root cause of the problem. It is all about how you deal with your body. You need to bring about healthy changes in diet as well as life style.

At the present time, junk food is very popular among the people. It is relatively cheap and people find it delicious. Having such foods once in a while is ok, but having junk food regularly is not at all good, neither for the skin nor for the body. Such foods are responsible for many skin problems such as acne, pimples etc. Eating food cooked in bad oil is not at all good for skin. Eating too much sugar is also very harmful for skin.

If you think that acne is really spoiling your image and you want to get rid of it, then you must bring about healthy changes in your life style as well as diet. You should exercise regularly, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, drink lots of water etc. and you must avoid oily food. In addition, make it a point that you have to follow these habits even when your acne problem is sorted out. This is necessary to prevent a reappearance of acne. Make sure that your skin is getting all the necessary nutrients and vitamins that it requires.

How to Lose Belly Fat in 1 Week !!

It is hard to visualize losing fat before you start any type of diet, but once you get going it is not only much easier than originally thought, but it is also very rewarding. Gaining weight takes time, and so does losing extra pounds. There are some easy ways on how to lose belly fat in 1 week that are safe and almost enjoyable if you put some effort and dedication into doing so.

The first thing to remember is that fat needs heat and energy in order to melt away. This means doing some sort of exercise. The ideal type of exercise is aerobics. Don't confuse this with the high impact stuff you see on television, because aerobic exercises do not need to be that extreme. The key thing to remember is that fat goes away from heat generation, and any type of exercise a few minutes per day can help you discover how to lose belly fat in 1 week.

Another trick to losing weight is to eat less, eat different foods and take a diet supplement if you like. Our bodies use food for energy, and our eating habits seem to be heavy on calories, but if we don't burn them off, it will translate into extra pounds of unwanted fat. A great way to learn how to lose belly fat in 1 week is to eat more fruits and vegetables and other foods that are low in fat, yet high in fiber and vitamins and minerals. Not only will this help you to lose weight, but it will also help to provide the extra boost of nutrition that our bodies are designed for and require on a daily basis.

If you are looking for ways on how to lose belly fat in 1 week, then look into your heart and make a commitment to shed pounds by eating better and exercising. You will be surprised at how easy it really is once you get into the swing of things, and more importantly, you will look and feel great during the process. Just remember that going on a diet and exercising are really the only ways (next to surgery) that human beings can shed pounds, and any program that promises other ways is usually too good to be true. Take the first step today and discover some tricks and techniques that can help you as you discover the freedom of shedding pounds.

Speed Up Metabolism - Burn Calories Fast

Are you starting to gain weight even if you are not eating that much? Can't you lose those extra pounds no matter how hard you try to follow your restricted diet? Do you badly want to lose weight just as easy as it once was? When we age it becomes more difficult to stay fit. When we were younger it was easier to lose those extras. We can even lose them in a week! Even if it is different now, you should not lose hope because you can still do something about it. The only way to lose those pounds easily again is to speed up your metabolism. Read on how to speed up metabolism and lose the fats now.

Understand What Metabolism is

In scientific terms, metabolic rate is defined as the rate at which our body burns calories. Not everyone has a fast metabolism. In fact it even slows down as we grow old but there are also other reasons why our metabolism decreases. Generally, overweight individuals have a slower metabolism than normal people. Those who are slimmer obviously have a faster metabolism. This means that people burn calories differently even if they have the same activity level, diet, and weight.

Determine What Influences your Metabolism

When you reach the age of 40, your metabolism rate reduces 5% per decade. As we all know age plays a big role on our metabolism but there are also other factors that may affect it as well. Aside from that, gender is also a factor. Men burn more calories than women because they have more muscle tissue in their bodies. Another factor is heredity. If most of your family members have fast metabolism then there is a big chance that you burn calories as fast as they can too.One more factor that affects our metabolism is the Thyroid disorder which can either slow down or speed up metabolism.

Eat Small Meals Frequently

It is important that you replenish your body will food to give it enough fuel to burn the other calories that you have consumed. If you deprive yourself of food for a long time, your body will eventually think that it needs to slow down its metabolic rate to compensate the "starvation" it is experiencing and make your body store fat easily. It is best to have four to six small meals per day to increase metabolism. Make sure that you eat enough calories daily. Ideally, women should consume 1200-1800 calories a day while men should get 2000 calories or more to speed up metabolism.

Drink Iced Water

Some think that drinking hot water is going to make them lose weight. Sorry but it is the other way around. To speed up metabolism, you should drink ice cold water as often as you can. This will make your body work its way into warming that cold water turning it to body temperature.


To speed up metabolism you should exercise at least 3 times a week. Aside from getting lean muscles, working out regularly will keep your metabolism up and get your body to burn more calories. Now that you know how to speed up metabolism you will have greater success in your weight loss challenges.

Best Coffee in the World - What Country Has It ?

Who grows the best coffee in the world? That's what I wanted to figure out. I new coffee is tasted like wine and that there are two types of beans, robusta and Arabica. But that was the extent of my knowledge on coffee.

First, let me get the obvious statement out of the way. To many people, whatever coffee they like to drink is the best coffee in the world to them. It could be what mom or dad put on the pot first thing in the morning, to Folgers, Maxwell House or whatever is being served.

They have adapted to the taste and that's what they like to drink. Many people add cream and sugar which takes away from the true taste of the coffee they are drinking. I wonder if that developed from trying their first cup of black coffee which probably was horrible and was of poor quality.

I'm one who always wondered how someone could drink theirs black. Maybe after this research, I'll find one, try it black and see if there is a change from what my memory bank tells me.

How the Best Coffee in the World is Determined

In starting the research, I went the Specialty Coffee Association of America which overseas the annual "cupping" contest run by the Roasters Guild. What I found on these websites and others was quite interesting.

Briefly, coffee is "cupped" by professionals known as Master Tasters. They sniff and loudly slurp the coffee in an attempt to measure that coffee's body, sweetness, acidity and flavors. Many coffees have a distinct flavor from the region they come from and some Master Tasters can determine its origin. The competition is a blind competition whereby the origin is unknown until afterward. And up to over one hundred enter this contest.

As I started looking into the cupping champions, I noticed that their were four regions that consistently had award winning coffees. They were Hawaii, Central America, Ethiopia and Kenya and Sumatra in Malaysia.

As I started collecting the data, I noticed that the contest itself had changed. It seemed that prior to 2004, all coffees competed individually. From 2004 thru 2009, coffees were grouped in countries with two winners moving to the next level. Then in 2010 it changed again to best of origin, or in other words best of country.

The Results of Researching the Best Coffee in the World

When I looked at the data, I saw that a Colombian coffee had won in 2010, 2009 and 2008. From 2007, 2006 and 2005 it was a coffee from Panama known as La Esmeralda Geisha. This coffee also came in second in the years 2008, 2009 and 2010 and has set records for the price per pound for green beans.

I could not find a winner for 2004 and one source said they believed they didn't have a cupping that year. I thought that was strange. So far, it seemed that Panama had a slight edge as the "best coffee in the world".

When I looked at the 2003 results, which was the last year all coffees entered individually, the clear winner surfaced. It was Panamanian coffee. Lerida Estate, a Panamanian coffee won that year. But it was what else I noticed that sealed it. Coffee from Panama had won the first three spots and five of the top ten out of 100 plus entrants from around the world. Quite a feat (and taste) for that small country known for their canal.

Out of curiosity, I called a coffee wholesaler and asked why they changed their cupping competition three times over the last eight years. She said, "Did you see the results from 2003? The unofficial word is no one wants to compete against Panama".

Many countries consistently produce very good tasting coffee and this shows up in the cupping contests, however, the country of Panama has earned the honor of having the best coffee in the world.

Top 3 Current Lose Weight Quickly Diets

Keen to discover the Top 3 lose weight quickly diets that can help you shed your unwanted fat as quickly and easily as possible?

Then keep reading because I've been keeping a finger firmly on the pulse of what's super hot in the world of weight loss and right now I am going to give you the lowdown on the current Top 3 most popular proven effective lose weight quickly diets that can help you swiftly slim down and get the firm sexy body you want fast!

If you've been researching diets for fat loss online you've no doubt already found that the internet is thoroughly clogged with fad diet clutter and ineffective over-hyped diets that make incredibly unrealistic promises about the level of weight loss results you can expect to achieve by following them.

Cutting through all of the clutter, hype, unrealistic promises and unproven claims, these Top 3 lose weight quickly diets have been selected based on their popularity, uniqueness, longevity, ease of use, and their proven track record of helping thousands of people worldwide to swiftly lose weight with permanent results and get the healthy, slim body they desire - no matter how overweight or obese they were when they began their weight loss journey.

Each of these diets are entirely unique and it's up to you to decide which one will best fit into your lifestyle and which one will work best to deliver you the quick weight loss results you want.

So without any further ado, here is a brief summary of each of the current Top 3 lose weight quickly diets that can help you shed fat fast:

Fat Burning Furnace

The Fat Burning Furnace diet created by Rob Poulos is a weight loss program specifically designed to keep your metabolism running at its highest possible level so your body will burn fat faster.

The diet section of Fat Burning Furnace outlines the 15 best foods to eat in order to keep your metabolism running high, and the 15 worst foods you can eat. It also includes a sample meal plan for a day and you also get access to a website that provides plenty of recipes you can use with this system.

The workouts provided are short but intense, designed to raise your metabolic rate so that you burn more fat even when you are not working out in order to accelerate your weight loss results. Using only hand weights, they take just 20 minutes per day, 3 times per week to complete - making them easy to fit into a busy schedule. Photos showing you exactly how to do the exercises are included.

Fat Burning Furnace is ideal for anyone who wants to shed fat fast and firm up their body to look and feel slim and sexy for life without having to strenuously exercise every day or for hours at a time. It is also ideal for people who have a busy schedule and are looking for a simple lose weight quickly diet that will easily fit into their current lifestyle.


FatLoss4Idiots is a flexible, uncomplicated lose weight quickly diet program that focuses on accelerated fat burning through the tried and true method of "calorie shifting". Calorie shifting is simply a matter of rotating the food categories included in each of your meals (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, etc) so that you are constantly changing what you eat which effectively tricks your body into burning more calories.

Designed to help you lose 9 lbs in 11 days, this 11 days on/3days off lose weight quickly diet program provides step-by-step guidelines on what foods to eat and precisely when to eat them in order to achieve swift weight loss results.

Best of all, rather than forcing you to live on miniscule amounts of foods that you dislike, the Fat Loss 4 Idiots menu generator produces a customized menu for you to follow based on the selected foods you prefer. You can also choose between a vegetarian or regular diet plan.

FatLoss4Idiotsis ideal for anyone who wants a flexible, easy-to-follow lose weight quickly diet plan that easily fits into their current lifestyle. And it's especially great for picky eaters!

7 Minute Diet

Not actually a "diet" in the strictest sense of the word, the 7 Minute Diet can more accurately be described as a Bible of weight loss tips that clues you in on 21 ways to burn fat fast without dieting - that can be collectively completed in just 7 minutes a day.

Sometimes it's AMAZING what HUGE difference little things can make and that's the foundation of the 7 Minute Diet. These quick and easy to implement 21 "fat burning switches" can help you almost effortlessly burn off up to 1000 calories per day.

7 Minute Diet is ideal for anyone who doesn't want to deal with time-consuming calorie counting or complicated diet plans, or for anyone following a diet or fat-burning workout plan who wants to accelerate their weight loss results - the 7 Minute Diet switches will help your body naturally burn more calories as well as increase the calorie burn of any exercise you do.

The Newbie - Top Secret Fat Loss Secret

Again, not a "diet" in the truest sense of the word, Top Secret Fat Loss Secret is a breakthrough top fat loss secret method recently discovered by Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst that helps you drop weight fast without making a single change to what you are eating. Yes, you read that correctly!

Dr Suzanne's revolutionary weight loss method doesn't involve dieting at all. Instead it focuses on ridding your body of the harmful plaque and parasites that have been building up inside you (and the vast majority of others) over the years, causing blockages that could actually be PREVENTING you from losing weight right now - no matter how hard you try.

The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret takes an entirely different approach to weight loss and the results it has delivered so far are truly astounding! People have literally instantly lost 50 lbs or more without making any changes to their regular diet, and results for most people averages at around 45 lbs (20 kilos) in the first 30 days alone.

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret is ideal for anyone who wants to improve their overall health and lose weight quickly, easily and 100% naturally without having to change or reduce anything in their diet.

Whichever one of these super popular, super successful lose weight quickly diets you choose, I hope it helps you shed your unwanted fat fast and gets you looking and feeling healthy, slim and sexy ASAP too!

Diet Pills Reviews - What Are The Best Diet Pills For You ?

In today's diet crazed world as everyone is slowly getting bigger, diet supplements have become a multi billion dollar a year industry. American dieters spent in excess of 26 billion last year alone. Yes, that's $26bn just in the U.S. It is now big business and nearly all of the diet products for sale claim to be organic or natural. Many are not. It seriously pays to have a look at a few diet pills reviews so that you don't end up wasting your money. There are many marketing traps set for first time pill buyers, the internet is jam packed with free bottle offers that don't work and many people get sucked in. There are a few things that you should consider when you go out reading diet pills reviews.

Diet pill supplements should not be used by everyone as they can become habit forming. It's recommended that you be healthy and have a BMI in excess of 30 in order to warrant taking these types of diet solutions. For those who have been overweight for some time and are suffering the the usual side effects of obesity, sore joints, high blood pressure, shortness of breath etc, diet pills can start to bring positive results in a very short period of time.

When you start researching diet pills reviews you will soon notice that there are only a select few diet pills that are approved for long term use through the FDA. Three of these are the well known Alli, Zenical and Orlistat and they work by blocking much of the fat you consume. This may sound great but look out if you eat anything fatty as you can get fatty discharges out of the rectum. These types of pills are now only generally prescribed to the morbidly obese in an attempt to change eating habits.

Pills that are approved for short term use are generally your more herbal stimulant type which is designed to speed up your metabolism, burn fat, suppress hunger and even block sugar cravings. The internet is full of diet pills reviews on these types of supplements. In this type of weight loss pill range there seems to be vast differences in strength from one brand to the next. Many of these reviews are very mixed opinion.

Some people can suffer from side effects ranging from diarrhea to an increased heart rate when taking these types of dietary supplements but on a whole you will find that most people do not report too many negative side effects. Finally it is never a good idea to take most diet medications for more than six months. Your new pills should be just a part of your new diet plan if it's success you truly want. Take the time to work out a healthy eating plan and a daily exercise routine and you will be well on your way to losing all the weight you want. Just don't forget to check out some diet pills reviews and if you are unsure about anything at all make sure you discuss it with your doctor. He is the one qualified to give you the best advice.

How To Get My Ex Girlfriend Back - This Simple Method Will Blow Your MindHow To Get My Ex Girlfriend Back - This Simple Method Will Blow Your Mind

Asking the question "How to get my ex girlfriend back" isn't going to make any kind of a difference. Acting on that question, however, will make a difference - a big difference...if you take the right kinds of actions. And that's what this article is about - never again having to ask the question "how to get my girlfriend back".

The most important thing to remember when trying to get your girlfriend back is that there are underlying motives and reasons for why girls take their ex boyfriends back. These reasons are hidden from most people.

All you need is a little guidance on what to do and when to do it. There is an actual recipe. It's nothing "sneaky" or tricky - it's not mind manipulation. But it's very clever and it works virtually every time.

The first thing you need to do is to create some distance between you and your ex girlfriend. Right now, things are pretty far from where they were when you two first started dating. Right now, you're not the man your ex girlfriend fell in love with. If you were, you'd still be together. It's not possible for your ex to desire you until you get closer to the man you were when she was madly in love with you, and there were no issues or incidents.

The first step towards achieving this is to relax and enjoy yourself. After all, isn't that what you did when you two were happy together?

And please remember: No contact means no contact. No e-mails, texts, Facebooking - nothing. No gifts, no flowers, no get the drift. The reason for this is because the way things are now, anything you do will seem desperate to her, and no one likes desperation. It's not an attractive trait. It's a bit like saying "I'm lost without you". And what does she hear? "I'm lost - I have low value". Why? Because you are depending on her to be a full person again.

Once you stop giving away your power, you start gaining her respect again. That's exactly what your ex girlfriend is doing right now - keeping at arm's length. Notice the effect it has on you? You need to do exactly the same thing.

If you try to be "her friend", it will backfire with a vengeance, because it sends her the signal that "well, he still want to be friends - I must have made the right decision". Can you see the slippery slope?

This is by no means a complete "how to get my girlfriend back" manual, but if you take these steps, you will have made big strides towards getting your ex girlfriend back.

What Kind of College Is Right for You ?

Is college right for you? Most people automatically assume that they have to go to college in order to make it anywhere in life but not many people really take the time to examine whether or not it is right for them. One of the single most important things you can do is figure out if you should go to college in person or if online college is a better fit. There are many obvious benefits to either method but they really depend on your personality and work ethic. So then take a few moments to analyze which sort of school approach is right for you using my handy little guide:

Offline / Traditional College

Offline or traditional college has been around, as we all know, for what seems like forever and is the most recognizable ways for one to get their college degree. Typically the experience of attending a traditional "in classroom" college is desired more so than anything at all. In fact many colleges are often rated based on their party abilities and social prowess. The traditional approach is good for new graduates of high school who often need that time away to engage in the real world and learn to exist on their own. Often times classrooms are crowded and the ability to connect with your instructor on a one on one basis is very limited. However offline or traditional college still remains one of the more popular ways to get a post-secondary education.

Online College

Up until a while ago the thought of getting a college degree online was marred by many internet scams and so-called diploma mills which were illegal. It took quite a while for many online colleges to be appear legitimized in the public eye. Now that they have finally won that approval they are proving to be a great way to get people back into college who might not have gone back. Online presents a way for people to go to school and get the education on a timeline that suits them making it very convenient for working adults or stay at home parents. Flexibility really is the key that makes the whole thing work. However you must be very structured and organized if you want to be successful because you are going to be on your own for scheduling and getting the work done.

At the end of the day the decision to back to school whether it be online or offline is one that really requires a great deal of thought. Depending on your learning style, aptitude for being responsible for studying from home and flexibility will determine which route you should go.